We made it back to the good old USA today at 2:00 PM.
Until you're in someone's else's country for an extended period you don't realize how good we have it. As Maria said no more 60 dollar dinners, no more trying to figure out the speed limit, no more loonies or toonies or whatever they're called. No more paying for chips and salsa and having no unsweetened ice tea.
We are back in Bellingham WA for three days. Returned to a very nice park The Cedars RV Resort.. We were here during the hot water heater break down. We had to cancel our reservation three days ago due to our latest breakdown. They were very nice and credited us the canceled reservation to our new three day stay.
Anyways today's story. We showed up at 7:30 AM at my buddy Chucks truck repair shop. He showed up at 8:20 AM. I waited till 8:30 AM and went inside. He was very cool and said to move the coach to his bay door and he'd be out to let me in. So I did as told. He opened the door directed me in and said he'd start working on it.
He completely ignored Maria who said good morning to him. So he worked and I watched at the door.
I felt like a jerk because this guy's 70 years old and he's trying to get the coach jacked up and a 200 pound tire/wheel off. But I did not want to piss him off again so I watched.
The guys been a mechanic for 50 years he really didn't need my help but he's moving slow and if anything I have a strong back.
So he grunts and groans and finally gets the blown airbag off and throws it in my direction.
I just look at him and stand there.
He puts the new airbag on and than the tire/wheel back on as I just stand there. Now I'm happy as hell cause we are getting the hell out a here. He than asks me to help him torque the lug nuts. Hey I'm fat so with my weight not a problem. He asks me what I do for a living. I almost told him I was a mortician which would have ended the conversation but I told him the truth. Crap, it was like he took a Prozac. I couldn't shut him up.
As I said yesterday I like Chuck even though he was an asshole to me. He is funny, has worked hard all his life and lost the woman he loved to ALS. He needs some meds or a girlfriend.
The cost for the repair was very reasonable. So we are back in the USA and happy to be here.