We made it back to California this afternoon. If you've ever driven from Oregon to California you know it's just a bit hilly. Well in a car it's not that noticeable but in a big old motorhome it's noticeable.
Our coach is under powered with a 400 hp Cat engine. It sounds like a lot of horsepower but for the weight it's not enough. Yes I can keep up with most trucks but others pass us like we are standing still. What really pisses me off is when one of those cheap ass motorhomes passes me. I'm sure they are laughing thinking they are about to pass this fancy motorhome. I know I would be laughing to.
Well I just have to remember they might get to the campground 5 minutes sooner but my 3 air conditioners will get me cool a lot faster then their two cheap o air conditioners and I can sit in comfort while Maria does laundry in the coach LOL.
Spending the night in Yerka which is about 10 miles from Oregon border. It's hot and windy but the A/C is working fine.
Had to get our 10,000 steps so we waited till it sort of cooled off to get our walk done..

On to Corning, CA in the morning.
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